Below are downloadable and customizable documents for common HR functions, with focus on hiring and firing. Please note that while effort has been taken to ensure these documents are in compliance with Federal and State requirements the responsibility for compliance resides entirely with the organization using them. When in doubt, seek legal advice. Are we missing something? Email [email protected] with suggestions for additions and improvements.
- Job Ad Placement List: Checklist List of Job Ad options nationally and regionally with approximate prices. *Prices change frequently, always double check. **Contact System Director for assistance with listserv postings.
- Hiring Checklist: Form that has key steps and requirements laid out for the hiring and selection process
- Employment Application Form: Meets legal criteria and has signed release; ensure key information for selection is collected and verified
- Authorization to Interview: Grants supervisors the permission to begin an interview process; may be updated with pre-approved salary ranges, and job description.
- Interview Questions: Suggested legal interview questions This has a number of effective and legal questions that may be asked by interviewers This is an optional tool for interviewers
- Interview Work Sheets: Work sheets for interviewers to write their notes and results. This is a legal document should any decision be challenged.
- Reference Check Questions: Suggested questions for references. Verifies skills and background.
- Background Check: Please contact System Director for details.
- Offer Letter Template: Template These letters will be Federally and NYS compliant for exempt and non-exempt employees
- Interview Rejection Letter: Template Letter to send to candidates that were interviewed but not hired
- New Hire Checklist: Includes Legal and Intake Forms, and key information to share in the first week.
- IT Checklist: Includes email, KOHA access, and more.
- Emergency Contact Form: Will go in Employee File.
- Employee File Checklist: List of everything that a new employee file should contain.
- Termination Letter: Contains fill in the blank information legally required in a termination letter.
- Termination Checklist: Contains legally required actions for employer after termination.
- Weekly Time Sheet: Ready to use time sheet Legal per Department of Labor requirements for non-exempt employees. Half sheet, two per page.
- Required Labor Law Postings: Includes a checklist and helpful links
- Evaluation – Member Library PPR Review and Goal Setting-EMPLOYEE