Trustee Training Resources

Trustee Handbook Information

Trustee Handbook Book Club

Join co-author of the Handbook for Library Trustees of New York State, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, and friends for this fun and informative series! For each session, trustees are encouraged to read a chapter of the Trustee Handbook and send in questions that the authors will address during each session.

Trustee Handbook

NYS Division of Library Development

Trustee Webinars

Western NY Library Resource Council

Current WNYLRC Events & Training

Past WNYLRC Event Recordings

WNYLRC YouTube Channel

Empire State Library Network

Empire State Library Network (ESLN) is comprised of the nine Reference and Research Library Resources Councils – each a multi-type library system in New York State. ESLN’s unique structure provides entre for libraries and archives of all types and sizes into a statewide platform for shared services and collaborations. A Board of Trustees comprised of each Council’s Executive Director governs ESLN.  Each Director provides input to ESLN’s activities and brings to the table input from their members to create a statewide view of library services across regions and service areas.  Each individual Council contributes both staff time and a membership fee to ESLN to support initiatives that benefit all nine regions.

Event Calendar